Monday, December 12, 2005

$1 billion for cancer research

The government of Alberta announced $1 billion in funding for cancer facilities in Calgary and Edmonton, with a goal of establishing Alberta as a world leader in research and treatment of the disease.

Premier Klein said an investment in cancer research could have payoffs for Albertans and the world.

Cancer is set to replace heart disease as the leading cause of death in Canada within five years. Nearly 38 per cent of women and 44 per cent of men in Canada are expected to develop cancer in their lives.

Harvey Weingarten, president of the University of Calgary, characterized the proposed facility as a giant leap ahead in treatment, prevention and helping those stricken with the disease.

"What is being talked about here is world-class stuff, some of the most advanced cancer research facilities in Canada, if not the world," said Weingarten.

Researchers will approach cancer from every different angle, said Weingarten.

"It runs the gamut, everything from hard-core molecular biology, to the most innovative treatment protocols, to psychological and social issues to help people deal with the disease," he said.


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