Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The dentist is your friend

Oral hygiene is of critical importance to the immuno-compromised patient to prevent oral infections. Prior to my transplant I was sent to a dentist to ascertain whether I had any potential cavities. Post transplant I've visited my dentist every six months and flossed and brushed daily.

Visit your dentist to gain advice on maintaining your oral hygiene.

Another oral health problem I faced was fungal infection. I used Nystatin even though I found it revolting. Later I was prescribed Dr. Akabutu's mouthwash which numbed my mouth, but at least I could tolerate it.


Anonymous Eddie Storms said...

It is indeed important to visit a dentist before undergoing a major procedure. This is to prevent any potential infection or any complication arising from dental ailments with respect to the operation.

Good thing my friend trusted Atlanta sedation dentistry. He went under IV sedation to supress his anxiety while a reconstruction was being done on his oral cavity. He happened to consult the best family dentist Atlanta residents can rely on.

7:32 PM  
Blogger childrendentistsca said...

White teeth, pink gums and absence of bad breath are a sign of good oral hygiene. The result of good oral hygiene is a beautiful attractive smile which surely all of us want.

Family Dentist

7:25 PM  

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